Snippets of history, flashes of now...

This is a blog dedicated to glossing over important events in history as well as making broad assumptions about current ones, all in an effort to glean false prophetic notions about what is to come. Also, incohesive ramblings will sometimes be painted on the screen as I attempt to bring the falsehoods I tell myself to life. It is boring for most, brilliant for few, and important for none. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

List of my top transfer choices

Please know that intellectually I understand the big lie this list entails.  I will never be "going away" to attend college, and I especially won't be going to any of these schools.  But I possess an uncanny ability to deceive myself into thinking - feeling is a better word - that I am somebody I am not.  My problem is that I want to attend any of these fine institutions mainly because I want to be "a college student".  Not because I have any goal I am working towards, or even because I want to learn new things.  Well, actually I do have a desire to learn things, but you know what I mean.  It is the way I have always been; never able to accept that I am just a guy that has a job and then dies.  Some might say that is noble, refusing to be pinned down and all that.  But it's really just childish and selfish.  And it has led me to a faithless attitude and outlook on life.  I know that I am not who I want to be, and frankly I despise whatever creator made this.  Look, this has went from a cheery, optomistic (imaginary actually) post into a dig at "God" (which, I can do all day really).  So, here is the top 5 schools I would like to transfer too.  They are in order of first choice to final choice.

1. William and Mary - Williamsburg, VA
     Love the history of this school and its location in a beautiful, almost surreal, movie-set sorta town.

2.  University of Virginia - Charlottesville, VA
     This is the first school I looked at when I decided that I wanted to go to the Eastern Seaboard.  The
     English program here is stellar.  And, suprisingly, it is actually a tough place to get in, especially as a

3.  Georgetown University - Washington, D.C.
     Don't really know why Georgetown.  It is out east, and being in the center of our nation's capital is not to
     shabby either.  Not to mention the proximity to historical areas.

4.  College of Charleston - Charleston, SC
     The history of Charleston is what appeals to me.  It is a smaller public university, which is better or worse,
     I don't know.  But the admission requirements aren't nearly as strict as the top three schools.  This might
     just be where I end up (in my fantasy world that is).

5.  Auburn University - Auburn, GA
     This was my first choice when I began to consider transferring anywhere.  I love Tiger football for one,
     although the recent recruiting revelations have soured me a bit.  Also, the name "Auburn" has always
     piqued an inquisitive tickle in me.  The first time I heard of Auburn, way back when, I was just, I don't
     know, curious.  Like maybe it meant something in my life that I hadn't yet realized.  Sort of like something
     an old buddy of mine told me when we were tripping on some acid.  He said that he recalled being a
     child and, for a reason still unknown to him at the time, he heard his father mention L.S.D.  He obviously 
     had no idea what that meant, but he said that the letters just swam in his brain, covered him like a warm
     familiar blanket.  Strange.